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The Buffalo Hunt from "Dances With Wolves"


My Personal Home Page
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This page opened with the theme music from the movie "Dances With Wolves"- one of my favorite pieces. There is a list at left of some of my other favorite musical selections, and if you would like the page to play one of them in the background, just click on the name of the selection.

When you choose to watch a video or listen to a recorded sound elsewhere on this page, the background music will be automatically muted. If, after listening to the sound or watching the video, you would like to have background music again, just return here and make your selection.


Howdy!!!! I'm a 3rd generation Texan and proud of it. I've got a Bachelor of Science degree in Ornamental Horticulture from Texas A&M University. I hate to shave, and so I've had the beard since high school.

Before I retired in 2008, I spent a great career growing bedding plants at Crump's Garden, a large greenhouse operation north of McKinney, Texas. That's me at left, during one of the holiday open houses we always had when the poinsettia crop was ready for delivery across North Texas.

Among my many interest are: camping, hiking, photography, archeaology, genealogy, astronomy, antiques, roses, cats, and cooking.

Please feel free to throw an email at me.

The American Bison

One of my special interests is the American Bison or, as it is more commonly called, the buffalo. I'm working on a few pages about this magnificent animal, and I'll add them to this site when I'm finished. But for now, you can learn a bit about them:

At left is a movie about the buffalo herd in Yellowstone National Park, and you will get to see some amazing video taken of these animals as they roam pretty freely throughout the Park. If you would like to watch the video, please just click on the image at left.

Buffalo have a very distinctive sound, which I doubt you have heard. To hear the sound, just click on the little image below:

Here was a special feline of mine, Calcitinas Blancas. Her name is Spanish for "white socks." She's a Manx (no tail) and has 4 white feet .She also had the lineage of a Maine Coon cat. She was cattankerous (made up word) and we used to go round and round. I used to keep a sheet on the new couch to keep the cat hair off. I thought she was using the scratching post. I took the sheet off to wash it and one corner of the couch was scratched down to the wooden frame. She did this on the sly when I was not around or else I would have told her to stop. Anyway this led to her being declawed. There are other stories to tell on this girl but I'll spare you. She was certainly cute in this picture as a youngster. (GRIN)

This was Tanner, a stray kitten that happened onto my doorstep quite literally. He had a great disposition. He was shorthair and mellow to the max. I lost him as an adult due to male urinary blockage. I miss him and would like another yellow tabby.

Prudence is one of my closest friends- we've known each other since junior high school. We went to different colleges, but renewed our friendship afterwards. She used to live in Arlington, Texas, and worked as a children's librarian at the Ft. Worth public library. She and her husband, Ron Ruckman, moved down to San Antonio in 2000; there Prudence realized her long-time wish to open a bed and breakfast inn. For over 13 years, she and Ron were the hosts at Ruckman Haus in San Antonio, near San Pedro Park in that historic Texas city. When they closed the B&B, they moved into the house itself, and have lived there since.

The website for Ruckman Haus is still online, so you can see what it was like:

Visit Ruckman Haus

In 2017, Prudence realized another dream of her, to be the proprietor of an art gallery. She has long been interested in and a collector of fine art, and thought she could do a good job of representing various artists in San Antonio, displaying and selling their works. Art Gallery Prudencia is in its third year, and it, too, has a Website:

Visit Art Gallery Prudencia

I have quite a few friends that I go hiking with. Here in July 1994 is a group of us guys on a float trip down the Colorado River below Hoover Dam. We rafted 4 hours through the Black Canyon and the water is a frigid 52 degrees, a real contrast to near 100 degress air temperature in July. It was an enjoyable side adventure on a trip to Las Vegas. I heartily recommend this trip which included lunch. My friend Mike is on the left, then myself, my close friend Ron D., and then two more friends of ours along on this trip- Ron M. and Chris.

To visit my friend Ron (the fellow in the center), click on him. Our good friend Mike died in a motorcycle accident on the morning of Setember 11, 2001. Click on him and you can see the Memorial Page that we created for him. Sadly, our friend Chris died on March 2, 2009, losing the fight with cancer. Click on Chris to see his Memorial Page.

Every day is a gift. Enjoy your friends and the day, I myself had a heart attack December 4, 2009. Thankfully, I'm feeling fine and still enjoying an active lifestyle including hiking and biking.

Here I am on a recent hiking trip to southern New Mexico. This is in an area above Sitting Bull Falls, roughly fifty miles from Carlsbad. The desert mountains have their own kind of beauty- rustic and bold. A friend and I climbed the trail to the spring which is the source of the falls, very much an oasis in the desert.


Thanks for visiting my website.
This is just the first effort;
I'll be modifying and adding things soon,
so please check back!
